Visit Haunted Sites in Jersey
I am super psyched to do this one! I love lore (don't necessarily believe) and am really excited to finally check out some haunted sites with my friend. Her and I are probably going to have to plan this trip closer to this summer (given that by then we'll know our work schedules), so I guess planning is still up in the air.
But there is progress! Her and I have a pact to get this done, so I planned something; doesn't that count?
Read Harry Potter
Now you may be wondering- why haven't I read Harry Potter already?
Well, what can I say, my parents got me into Lord of the Rings early and reading a book about Wizards seemed almost heretical. I know other Tolkien fans would argue, but Lord of the Rings and the Redwall series constituted my childhood.
Nevertheless, I already read the first book (this winter break) and plan to devour the second and third over spring. Then I'll clean up the series in the first few months of summer.
So, see, I did some planning!